Todays result lottery sambad files Friends, I want to tell you that Dear Lottery, if you want to see the result of the lottery then you have come to the right place. Here you will get to see the result at the right time, as you know that this lottery is played in Nagaland state and you are shown the lottery result of this state. If you know, then this result comes out three times, first is at 1:00 in the afternoon and second is at 6:00 in the evening and third is at 8:00 in the evening, so the lottery result comes out at these three times and if you are interested in seeing this result, then you will get to see all the three results in it.
29-01-2025 01:00 PM Todays result lottery sambad files
Todays result lottery sambad files Friends, I want to tell you guys that the lottery draw which comes out at 1:00 pm. If we talk about its name, then the result which comes out on Monday is named DEAR DWARKA. Similarly, there are other names as well, like the lottery result which comes out on Tuesday, is named DEAR GODAVARI and if you guys want to know the details of all the names, then you guys have to go to our first blog. You will go to the home page and you will find all the names for which name the result comes out at 1:00 pm. You will find all those names, on which days the result of which name comes out, the lottery ticket you have bought. You will get to see its result here. The result of 1:00 pm, you will be able to see it here on time.
29-01-2025 06:00 PM Todays result lottery sambad files
Todays result lottery sambad files Friends, if you want to see the lottery result. So if you are facing any server problem or anything, then you will not face any such problem on this website. Because on this website, the lottery result of 6:00 pm is released. You will get to see it on time and if we talk about the names of the lottery results, then the result that comes out on Monday. Its name is DEAR DESERT and if we talk about the result that comes out on Tuesday. Its name is DEAR WAVE and in the same way, the data of the name of the whole week. We have put it on the home page, from there you can see it, I would like to tell you that you will get the option to download the on-time result on our website, you just have to refresh. You will get to see the lottery result at the same time.
29-01-2025 08:00 PM Todays result lottery sambad files
Todays result lottery sambad files Friends, if you guys have come to this website to see the lottery result which is released at 8:00 in the evening. So you guys will get to see this result on time, you guys don’t worry at all, you guys will get all the information on this website, if we talk about the name of the result which is released at 8:00 in the evening, what is the name of those results. So the name of the result which comes out on Monday is Dear Eagle Evening and the name of the result which is released by Nagaland on Tuesday is Dear Parrot Evening and in the same way, the name data of the whole week is kept on the home page. You guys can go there and see, we will also give you the link of the home page, you guys can go and see in full detail by clicking and you guys will get the minute details and all the information related to the lottery here.
Home Page
If you want to see the result of Today lottery Sambad then the result of this lottery Sambad is declared at 1:00 pm, 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm.
I don’t know the exact time of the lottery Sambad but you guys get the results at around 1:10 in the afternoon sometimes there can be a difference of one or two minutes due to the server but you guys get the results at around 1:10 in the afternoon.
You will get the results of Lottery Samvad on our website. You can download it from there.